Residential Services

Tri-Cities Professional Residential Home Painter

Interior Residential Painting

Having a house painter add a new coat of paint is the easiest way to transform your home!

Whether you need your whole house painted or just want to freshen up a room, Paintmaster’s quality interior painting services are equipped to handle all of your painting needs.

An interior paint project has the ability to make a space feel fresh and clean, warm, inviting, and cozy with the added benefit of making it a low-cost option to bring change into your space.

residential interior painting services in Pasco by Paintmaster Services

Painting your home shouldn’t feel like a chore. That’s why Paintmaster Services has simplified the professional painting experience to make interior house painting easier than ever! Our team of professional painters will handle all of the logistics of your house painting project and ensure the job is done right!

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elegant receiving area Paintmanster Services
The Reasons Why Customers Hire Us!


With over 45 years of professional painting experience, we've mastered the business of providing professional quality painting services in the Tri-Cities and surrounding areas.


Always keeping an emphasis on quality has earned us an outstanding reputation. We back every job with a satisfaction guarantee.


Our family owned business spans two generations of professional painters. We believe in building lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with both our customers and our employees.

We create vibrant and inviting spaces.

Everyone loves to have a beautifully painted home that is not only warm and inviting but lasts.

We create inviting spaces that will elevate your place of business or building with quality painting services.

We take pride in the workmanship that is put into every job and stand behind our work without exception.